January 18, 2007
http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070118/SPORTS01/70118014/1049/SPORTS02Let me see
(1) No one is supposed to have water bottles or other bottles to take on the airplane.
(2) Illegal substances are a "no-no"
(3) Other products can be taken on in luggage bag
(4) being suspicious or not doing what is told is not a good idea
(1&3) no no: The 26-year-old Atlanta Falcons quarterback entered an airport concourse with a 20-ounce bottle.)
(4) no no : He eventually handed it over and boarded his flight to Atlanta. But his initial reluctance to turn over the bottle aroused suspicion among airport security screeners, a police report said.
(2) no no The bottle was found to have a hidden compartment that contained a small amount of "dark particulate and a pungent aroma closely associated with marijuana,” the report said. The compartment was hidden by the bottle’s label so that it appeared to be a full bottle of water when held upright, police said.
His contract is $100 million + he can afford what he wants.
He could have thrown it away before entering the concourse.
He could have put it in luggage back but it still might have been found when going through the detectors.
He could have waited until he got back home and left the this stash and thrown it away.
Apparently he did not think of these things.
As Dr. Phil says "what were you thinking?"
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